Past Events
First SECLI-FIRM Stakeholder Workshop
7 June 2018 Brussels, Belgium
Our first stakeholder workshop took place at WindEurope head office on Rue d’Arlon in Brussels, Belgium on 7 June 2018. It was held on this date to coincide with EUSEW’s Sustainable Energy Week which took place in Brussels from 4 to 8 June 2018. Since this workshop was held so close to the start of the project, the core theme was the overview, objectives and plan of the SECLI-FIRM project.
Second SECLI-FIRM Stakeholder Workshop
17 January 2019 Milan, Italy
Our second stakeholder workshop took place at the Hotel Palazzo delle Stelline in Milan, Italy on 17 January 2019. The event provided a unique opportunity for climate research specialists and industry experts to explore the ways seasonal climate forecast models can be assessed and combined to increase their value to the energy and water industries.

Third SECLI-FIRM Stakeholder Workshop
18 September 2019 Norwich, UK
Our third stakeholder workshop took place at the Dunston Hall Hotel just outside Norwich, UK on 18 September 2019. The event combined the scheduled Advisory Board meeting, along with a project meeting and the Stakeholder Workshop into one to save time and costs. The objectives were to gain feedback and commentary on the project so far, to define and outline the key messaging and benefits for exploitation, to encourage consideration of climate and weather effects on operations and long-term decision making and to discuss the communication of benefits to users and how to make the learning applicable to the industry.

Fourth SECLI-FIRM Stakeholder Workshop
15 June 2020 – online
Our fourth Stakeholder Workshop was delivered on 15 June 2020. The event was originally scheduled to take place in Brussels but due to the impact of Covid-19 it was rescheduled and moved online.
The workshop explored the seasonal forecast science, the decision making and the trial climate services being developed by the H2020 SECLI-FIRM project for the energy and water industries. It was split into two sessions.
In the first session scientific climate experts explained how the various aspects of calibration, downscaling and multi-models have been explored and the second session focused on how climate services can help energy and water decisions.

Fifth SECLI-FIRM Stakeholder Workshop
25 May 2021 – online
Our fifth Stakeholder Workshop was delivered on 25 May 2021. Each of the sessions is available to view
First Session
SECLI-FIRM Stakeholder Workshop Programme
Climate Services from an EU Perspective Alessia Pietrosanti (EU, European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency)
Climate Services for Business Decisions – an Introduction Prof. Alberto Troccoli (UEA)
Using Climate Services for Business Decisions – Industry Experience
ENEL Teal Tool and Energy Management – Marco Formenton (ENEL)
Thames Water Demand Management: Freeze-thaw in Lockdown – Leo Kiernan (Thames Water)
Shell North Sea Rig Move – Jon Upton (Shell)
Question & Answer Session
Second Session
Introduction to the session
Stakeholder Group Discussions
Plenary and Summary
Third Session
Introduction to SECLI-FIRM and Seasonal Forecasting and Decision-Making – Clare Goodess (UEA)
Climate Services and decision-Making for the Energy Sector – Case Study Example from SECLI-FIRM: Offshore Maintenance and Logistics – Gertie Geertsema (KNMI)
Climate Services and Decision-Making for the Water Sector – The WATExR Case Studies – Leah Jackson-Blake (NIVA Norway)
Climate Services and Decision-Making for the Agriculture Sector – Case Study Example from MED-GOLD – Antonio Graca (Sogrape)
The Process of Elaborating a Decision Tree – Steve Dorling (UEA)
Discussion and Wrap-up – Prof. Alberto Troccoli (UEA)

Interested in using climate services for your work, research, or developing new business ideas?
The SECLI-FIRM Project, together with the UN World Meteorology Organisation (WMO) and selected partners, invites you to apply for our FREE, online summer school.
Master the development of a climate service from start to finish for the energy and water sectors
The course consists of six half day ‘face-to-face’ online sessions on 21, 23, 28, 30 September and 5 and 7 October 2021. Timing: 11:30 – 15:30 UTC.
In this course, you will learn about the importance of climate services in the energy and water sectors, understanding the operational and regulatory context. You will acquire theoretical knowledge and practical tools to design and deliver your own climate service, working in small teams. Hearing from leading experts, you will learn about real-world applications of climate services and best practice approaches.
This course is designed for junior researchers, practitioners, planners, entrepreneurs and anyone interested in climate services.
Languages: English
Level: BSc, MSc, PhD
Entry Requirements: Certificate in Upper Secondary Education (Science, Geography, Business etc)
Complexity: Medium to advanced
Up to 30 minutes is allowed for your online application. You can explore the application questions here.
We look forward to hearing more from you.
Places are limited and applications close 18 August 2021, midnight.
The First SECLI-FIRM Webinar
We are proud to announce the first in a new series of FREE webinars took place in January to introduce the overall SECLI-FIRM project objectives and present some results from the case studies which form the building blocks of the project. An emphasis was placed on the interaction with stakeholders and the framework for assessing the value of seasonal forecasts.
View the flyer for more information.
Part of the Climateurope ‘Climate Thursdays’ webinar series
Alberto Troccoli, UEA/WEMC – Introduction and Webinar Chair
Antonio Maria Nicolosi, ENEL – Climate Service for energy management: a practical example from the SECLI-FIRM project
Ilaria Vigo, Barcelona Supercomputing Center – Operational climate service for renewable energy: from co-development to market. A story from the S2S4E project.
Helen Ivars Grape, SMHI – SMHI Hydro GWh service – European Inflow forecasts for Energy Traders
Eva Contreras, University of Córdoba – Potential benefits of using seasonal forecast data to inform decision-making in small hydropower plants: SHYMAT service (Clara Project)
Climate Services for the Hydropower Sector
A SECLI-FIRM hosted free webinar
Alberto Troccoli, UEA/WEMC – Introduction and Webinar Chair
Mattia Callegari, Eurac Research
Runoff seasonal forecast in alpine catchments: a SECLI-FIRM case study
Kristian Nielsen, Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
Seasonal forecast of hydro resources in Colombia during strong El Niño events: a SECLI-FIRM case study
Paolo Mazzoli, GECOsistema
Smart Climate Hydropower Tool: An artificial intelligence based service for hydropower production seasonal forecast (CLARA)
Sharing Climate Services experiences between the EU SECLI-FIRM Project and in the USA
A SECLI-FIRM hosted free webinar
Katie Chowienczyk, Senior Scientific Consultant, Met Office
Promoting the integration of seasonal climate forecasts in the water sector to help mitigate stress events in the supply – demand balance
(Thames Water, UK case study, SECLI-FIRM project)
Carlos F. Gaitan, Chief Technology Officer, Benchmark Labs
Complementing the U.S. Public Sector’s Climate Services: The role of Machine Learning and Cloud Computing
Jan Dutton, CEO, Prescient Weather
S2S Forecasts for Energy Markets
View the recording
Climate Education: Understanding the past to empower climate action
A SECLI-FIRM hosted free webinar
Recording of SECLI-FIRM hosted webinar featuring the project Climate Visualisation Tool is live!
RMetS VIRTUAL MEETING: Seasonal Climate Services for the Energy Industry featuring the SECLI-FIRM project
Wednesday 21 April 2021, 12:00 – 13:30
12:00 Welcome & Introductions Dr M J Rodwell FRMetS
12:10 Climate services for the energy industry: state-of-the-art and where they are heading. Lessons learnt from the EU SECLI-FIRM and related projects. Dr A Troccoli
12:35 The Use of Seasonal Forecasts by the National Grid ESO Daniel Drew
12:50 Q & A Dr M J Rodwell FRMetS
Recording coming soon to:
SPEAKER | Professor Alberto Troccoli
BIOGRAPHY | Prof. Alberto Troccoli is the co-founder and Managing Director of WEMC and a visiting professor at the University of East Anglia (UK). He has over 25 years of experience in the fields of meteorology and climate, and in the last 10+ years has been exploring their applications in the energy, and other, sectors. His career includes time at several leading institutions such as NASA, ECMWF (UK), the University of Reading (UK) and CSIRO (Australia). He is the main author of the UN-led Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Energy Sector implementation plan and the leader of the C3S Energy operational service. In addition, he has published extensively and is also the chief editor and an author of four books. Alberto holds a PhD in Physical Oceanography from the University of Edinburgh (UK).
ABSTRACT | The Added Value of Seasonal Climate Forecasting for Integrated Risk Assessment (SECLI-FIRM) EU H2020 project (Feb 2018 to Oct 2021) is demonstrating how the use of improved seasonal climate forecasts, out to several months ahead, can add practical and economic value to decision-making processes and outcomes for 9 Case Studies in both the energy and water sectors. The project has produced advanced research in the most effective seasonal forecasts for specific applications, as well as the uptake of seasonal forecasts by industry, expanding the climate services market.
After presenting some of the output of SECLI-FIRM and other relevant projects, the talk will discuss how these projects have been contributing to the wider climate service research and business development. It will also provide some considerations about where we expect (seasonal) climate services to be in the next 5-10 years
SPEAKER | Daniel Drew
BIOGRAPHY | Daniel currently works as a Senior Energy Modelling Specialist in the Modelling and Insights team at National Grid ESO. His main role is to develop models to forecast and analyse the power system and market conditions. Prior to this he worked as a post-doctoral researcher in Department of Meteorology at University of Reading contributing to a number of Energy Meteorology projects.
ABSTRACT | As Great Britain’s electricity system operator, National Grid ESO (NGESO) is responsible for the day-to-day balancing of supply and demand. As part of this role, each autumn NGESO produce a forecast for the demand over the coming winter, with a particular focus on peak electricity demand. This is to ensure there is sufficient capacity available to meet the demand. The SECLI-FIRM project has explored the potential benefits of integrating seasonal meteorological forecast information into NGESO’s demand forecasting methodology. This presentation will present some of the results from this study and highlight the potential next steps.
Sharing Climate Services experiences between the EU SECLI-FIRM Project and in the USA
A SECLI-FIRM hosted free webinar
Katie Chowienczyk, Senior Scientific Consultant, Met Office
Promoting the integration of seasonal climate forecasts in the water sector to help mitigate stress events in the supply – demand balance
(Thames Water, UK case study, SECLI-FIRM project)
Carlos F. Gaitan, Chief Technology Officer, Benchmark Labs
Complementing the U.S. Public Sector’s Climate Services: The role of Machine Learning and Cloud Computing
Jan Dutton, CEO, Prescient Weather
S2S Forecasts for Energy Markets
View the recording